Yeah! Last night was my first night since Friday NOT using nose spray (remember, no worries - it is baby approved) and I could breathe! Yeah! So awesome. So, clearly I am feeling better except for the fact that I had to play dodge ball today at a team off site. And although I really didn't want to play it was pretty darn fun! At first I thought I probably shouldn't play for fear of getting whacked in the belly. Would be a little trouble explaining THAT to the doc. ;) I haven't gone public about the pregnancy at work yet...will do so next Tuesday! So exciting!
My workouts are pretty consistent from a lifting perspective. And I am trying to really work in my lower back and abs. I can still lay on my back so I am trying to take advantage of those types of ab workouts as much as I possibly can. Last night I did abs in between back and bicep sets. I am really enjoying working out with the hubby again. Lifting with him definitely helps push me on going heavier.
I have GOT to get my cardio amped up again. I am just not getting it in and I can feel it in my energy levels. I am running a couple three times a week and getting in some treadmill walks but not getting in the length or time I would like to. I want a strong and healthy body to help bring the baby into the world.
Oooooo.....and we took our first baby belly photo. No difference in my belly, I gotta tell ya. Maybe just a LITTLE rounding of the belly. But I don't think anyone notices but me...not even the hubber.
Doc appt Friday guys so hopefully I will have a ultrasound image to share!! WOO HOO!
Sorry for the boring post guys....will have more to share soon!
Glad you are feeling better sweets!!
glad you feeling better and question have you ever had a suit made by fruit and passion designs?
SO glad you are feeling better!
I love the photo! I cant wait til tomorrow! Looking forward to hearing the little pitter patter..
Can't wait to see the baby!
Glad you are feeling better too.
"Pitter patter." How cute! :)
Glad you are feeling better.
“Just know on the inside that you won’t quit. That’s it. There is nothing else. Shakespeare said, ‘To thine own self be true’. I don’t know what the @*$% he meant by that, but just don’t quit on yourself. It’s worth it. The juice is worth the squeeze. I assure you.” - Forrest Griffin
I read this on a crossfit site and thought of you :)
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