Friday, July 11, 2008

Is there anybody out there???

Meaning myself. :)

Sorry guys...I have had a brutal week - BRUTAL!! Probably the toughest I have had in a long time.
  • Was out of town traveling for work on Monday - Wednesday night.
  • Had our quarterly client review (5 hours long) where I have to present for two businesses (instead of one) to our leadership team (had to get up super early and stay up late to prepare).
  • Had our quarterly company meeting (four hours long)
  • So I literally had about 4 hours of working time in my week which meant very little workouts (one half a&& one in my hotel room) and not great food PLUS about 5 hours a night since Sunday night.
  • My brand manager is moving to a new assignment (I love this guy).
  • My boss resigned.
So lots of drama at the office this week.

I am not going to use this blog post to complain (well maybe a little bit) but instead to tell you what I plan this weekend:

Tomorrow: two workouts - morning and afternoon - cardio w/sprints and upper body weights in afternoon with maybe a sprinkling of cardio after just to burn more fat.

Sunday: two workouts - bike in am long and slow w/upper body and lower body workout in afternoon.

Couple other things:
  • Hubby is doing GREAT! Got his staples out so he is no longer frankenchest and finally got to shower (we were both happy about that).
  • Cynthia looks AMAZING! If you haven't seen her updated pics, go to her blog ASAP and check it out. She is the Visionquester link on the left.
  • Food this week was ok - had a couple of bad meals but considering I was traveling and super busy I wasn't devastated with my eats.
  • I will update my weekly workouts tomorrow.
Have a great Friday night y'all! More soon!


EM :) said...

I'm pooped just reading about your week, J!
Holy cow. I know you persevered and made the very best out of the situation. Don't worry, use the blog to de-stress, that's what we here for, ya know!!!
Glad hubby is well!!! Also, sounds like two (make that four) bomb ass workouts on the docket. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!
Kick ass this weekend, and use your exercise as a de-briefing! :)

Cathy said...

Hey jess, I hope you are really enjoying your weekend, because you deserve it chica!
Glad the hubman is doing well AND showering :) That is always a bonus :)
Just to make you feel better: I have been battling the nastiest virus I have ever seen! And I am getting my ass handed to me in the gym, because I am a knucklehead who still insists she works out when she's off :) What is that saying? Do what the doc says and not what she does? :)
Have you heard, JL is making a new training video with Coach Eric, filming in August and it should be available for sale by the Olympia. I think it will be a great way to experience his training system! For those who are interested of course :)

Jessica said...

Em and Cathy -

Thanks for the words of encouragement - you guys rock!! Have a great weekend and Cathy - FEEL BETTER! Holy cow - that sounds awful!